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Introduction To Falkor-One

Dear Visitor.

I decided to Create a website as an introduction to an online Diary called Falkor-One..Also the device I am writing it on is named that way...I don't have the intention to write to much bout my own story or life becos I am completely traumatised and isolated like most of  the other  Ti's . The word Ti stands for Targeted individuals..There are countless  of people al over the world who found each other through the internet or otherwise while searching for a solution for their horific symptons which are obviously created  by technologies unknown to the masses

There are not even aware of it..

You must understand that what I shall write down will be pieces of my own story..Pieces of other peoples stories ..

Pieces of the stories of the people out of my own Hometown.. and many other things..It is not my intention to write it as a daily diary but people will get updates through Facebook and Twitter regulary..There is a reason why I post photo's of myself  and work of myself but that will become clear in my diary. Just like I will try to shape a clear view of how the technologies are being used on people..

I ask you to understand that it is not about my story alone

but that also you reader and every single other person on this planet is under its influence..It is not to me to say who is doing this to us cos that would only be becos things I read or heard somewhere..But there are a few things I  'can" say being a Ti since Child :

They did this before...This is what they did then..But in a complete new jacket and very well hidden for the masess..

Most of the Ti's I had contact with online or otherwise experienced it as if they are used as guineapigs in an experiment..

I ask you dear visitor to understand that in the same spot next to this introduction you could fill in countless of other peoples pictures..  Rich people ,Poor people..People of all Races,Ages,Sexes and Religions..More and more people came out with the same kind of stories through the years ..Part of the torture is that people won't believe our stories .. Real Horrorstories if you live them.The Masses believes and follows the mainstreammedia who are feeding the pubic with lies handed over by the ones who are eliminating several goups ​of people ..Also us..The people who are comming with stories where their surounding doesn't even want to listen to.. People wave it away as conspiresystories and they don't even want to think about the possability that it can be true untill it comes to their tables or their families..They would only believe it if mainstreammedia or other figures you suppose to follow would start bout it..

Also Animals are victims of this torturescheme .. 

The way Ti's get tortured is unbescheiblich but I will try to

explain the terrible ways people get tortured..

I Will try to explain the horror of  looking like a normal person for the outside world while "They" are Slaughtering

us inside in front of your eyes..Anyhow There Will Come A Day that the World Will Know The horible Thruth bout what this world is all about.. 

              Link to the Online Diary

                    FALKOR -ONE :

People Worldwide are set up against each others and other goups.

They create enemies and chaos worldwide and make people believe the stories they create ...,They create hate against certain groups while they  makes us look crazy in the eyes of the masses or sound like conspiricytheorist.This way many get locked away in hospitals or jails..This way many of the Ti's die..This way a big part of the truth stays hidden while in the meantime they can keep on wipeing out all they think that is weak or different..Worldwide they are rearanging things and wipeing out groups..They tear families apart..Take children away from their mothers or fathers.. While they create Hate against others for their Race,Choise of Sexuality or Their religion..Women and Men..Children and Elderly people..They all set up against each other becos we people always believed what they taught us in shool was true..We Believe everything which Television,Radio and the Newspapers tell us..While all is invented to keep the eyes of the masses away of what is realy happening..

We People started to believe those comunicationchannels and listen to words of people we don't even know..People we are thaught to believe and follow..who are not even aware that they are feeding the world with lies. It's only their job..Everyday people want their thruth out of a little box or newspaper they take it for real ,it spreads among the people like a fire and another enemy or thought is created..While real people in their suroundig come with complete horrorstories which must..(If  there are a bit aware in this world)remind them of stories of WWII..You became to believe the opressor rather then your own family or friends..The people who die in foreign countries who are in war are also victims of this silent holocaust..A lot of People in the entertainment bussines as well as in other busines are used as Slaves and are true Victims too..They are not to blame and suffer as much as all the others who are aware of what is happening on a worldwide scale.

And what is happening is real HORROR on a worldwide scale !!!

It is one Living Nightmare which doesn't seem to end..

They torture people worldwide with technologies unknow for the masses...

If you never where confronted with such technologies it all seems unbelievable and sience fiction.. There are people who had a very normal  life and became plugged in (like I call it) from one day to another..Others where in it since childhood...With everything we (the consumers)buy or donate we unvolantarely pay for this silent holocaust ...While the world around us stays ignorant against our stories they almost seem as guilty as the ones who are doin this to us.They don't even want to see the signs in their towns and cities .Many things are similar to what they did in WWII..Worldwide People Are comming out with their stories..I ask you reader to understand that "They" will do anything to loose our credibility against our surounding and against the outside world and that also on the net there are people pretending to be Ti's.

Also Those people are there to make us loose Our Credibility..

While real targeted individuals are fighting day and night to get it to the light..

​Still it is not to me to say who is doing this to us and I stand apart from

some things that other Ti's will tell you..

Cos we all are different individiuals as you know ..

But One Thing is for sure

They are using technologies

unknown to the masses..

These are life destroying Weapons.

It is the same like they

did 70 years ago..

Only in a new Jacket..

Ignorance of our surrounding

is part of the torture and

this way many Ti's die

or get locked away in

mental institution or jail

It "is" Horror..It "is" Terror..

We Have to Stop "Them"

You Have To Hear Us..

We Will be Heared !!!!!!!

Introduction to online diary :Falkor One.

(Writings bout this Silent Holocaust)

          So Dear Reader..

      take our stories serious

           AND WAKE UP !!

(in a Positive and Nonviolent way)

                                         Love,Peace and Light...


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